We want to make our community a better place through education and the enlisting of our citizens to bring services to those in need. We accomplish our mission through our core values.
The Work We Do...
LEAVE A LEGACY is a campaign to educate the public about charitable giving through a will or estate plan.
While more than 82% of Southeast Michigan residents give to charities each year, fewer than 9% of them leave a bequest through their wills. LEAVE A LEGACY is a cooperative effort of estate planning professionals and nonprofit groups whose aim is to encourage individuals to remember their favorite charity(s) when they plan their estates.
Did you know that:

Planning a gift through your will may allow you to make a much larger gift than you can give during your lifetime?
You do not have to change your will to leave a bequest? You can simply add an amendment, called a codicil, to arrange for a gift upon your death.
It is easy to name a charity to receive part or all of an IRA, a 401(k), or a life insurance policy?
Your financial planner, attorney, or a development professional at your favorite charity, would be happy to answer your questions and assist you in carrying out your charitable intentions.
If you said ‘No’ to most of these questions, you are one of the people LEAVE A LEGACY is working to reach and educate...
To get started, contact your advisor(s).
Contact Us for more information or a FREE brochure!

Speakers Bureau
Did you know...that the Speakers Bureau will help educate civic groups, board members, development/stewardship committees and donor groups about the importance of leaving a gift to charity through estate planning?

View the May 2023 LEAVE A LEGACY month proclamation by Gov Whitmer.

Development Day
Save the Date
Our 27th Annual Conference is June 4, 2025